Robust raised beds

Raised beds are a game changer in the garden, especially when growing veg.

Raised beds offer ease of use, especially when trouble bending down is an issue.

When you bring the soil level up to near waist height you can work the soil a lot easier. Also, the soil in a raised bed often drains better, and means that veg and flowers sown will have a better root run, and will establish easier.

Plus, raised beds offer neatness and uniformity and structure to a garden, and these certainly do.

Made out of huge, thick (and very heavy) sleepers, these won’t budge from their spot, and are built to last. Once constructed these will be filled and planted up, offering good food and beautiful plants for the rest of the season.

The second part to this project was to cut in a new border in the front garden and re-use turf excavated around the two new raised beds at the back. Re-using turf, a great money saving tip!